Python Programming Beginner Online Training
Python is the most famous computer language after Java and C. This programming language let programmers write logical and clear code for all types of projects. python is a master level programming language to design IoT projects that involves data processing to train machines to make decisions.
As this is an online programming course for beginners it has all the basic components to form the basis of the programming language and is taught in the most understandable manner with practical work.
Course Outline
Python Fundamentals
- Use of Python in Machine Learning (IoT, Big Data)
- Installing Python, Environment Variables
- Executing Python from the Command Line
- IDLE, Editing Python Files
- Python Documentation, Getting Help
- Dynamic Types, Python Reserved Words, Naming Conventions
Basic Python Syntax
- Basic Syntax Comments
- String Values, String Methods
- The format Method, String Operators
- Numeric Data Types, Conversion Functions
- Simple Input and Output The % Method
- The print Function
Language Components
- Indenting Requirements, The if Statement
- Operators: Relational Operators, Logical Operators, Bit Wise Operators
- The while Loop, break and continue, The for Loop
Understanding Collections
- Lists, Tuples Sets Dictionaries
- Sorting Dictionaries, Copying Collections
Python Functions
- Defining Your Own Functions, Parameters
- Function Documentation, Keyword and Optional
- Parameters, Passing Collections to a Function
- Variable Number of Arguments Scope
- Functions – “First Class Citizens”
- Passing Functions to a Function
- Mapping Functions in a Dictionary
Working with Modules
- Standard Modules – sys
- Standard Modules – math
- Standard Modules – time
- The dir Function
Exceptions Handling
- Errors, Run Time Errors
- The Exception Model
- Exception Hierarchy
- Handling Multiple Exceptions raise
- assert, Writing Your Own Exception Classes
- Metadata, The pickle Module
- Working with Classes in Python
Working with Graphical User Interface and Databases
- Tk GUI toolkit
- Creating Components Button, Canvas, Check button, Label, Listbox, Message ,Text etc
Final Project
- Python GUI Application
International Student Fee : 500 USD | 375 AED | 375 SAR
Flexible Class Options
- Corporate Group Training | Fast-Track
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training