Python for Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI (Beginners)
Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented, and general-purpose high-level programming language.
This is a complete Python tutorial for Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI beginners. All topics, from the most basic to the most advanced, are presented using examples to assist students in batter understanding and the concepts. You will be able to write complex python code after completing the course.
What you’ll learn
- Write their own Python code according to the requirement
- Get strong knowledge of python basics and advanced topics
- Understand any python code and make modification
- Data Science Concepts With Python
Course content
Introduction To Artificial-intelligence
- Preview
- Welcome
- Basics
- Commenting
Variables and Data Types
- Variable
- User entered data
- Operators
- Basic Operators in python
Decision Making in Python
- If statement
- If-else statements
- Program to print odd or even
- Program to find vowel
- Find the greatest number
Looping Through With Python
- For Loop
- While Loops
- Break statement
- Continue statement
- Password Example program
Functions and Modules
- Functions and Modules
- User-defined functions
- Functions with arguments
- Creating modules and importing in our program
Collections In Python
- List
- Tuples
- Dictionaries
Data Analysis with Pandas
- Getting Started with Pandas
- Loading Data in Python from CSV, Excel, TXT, and JSON Files
- Indexing and Slicing Dataframes
- Dropping Dataframe Columns and Rows
- Updating and Adding New Columns and Rows
Python – Machine Learning & Data Science – I
- NumPy with Python
- Using pandas Data Frames to solve complex tasks
- Use pandas to handle Excel Files
Python – Machine Learning & Data Science – II
- Use matplotlib and seaborn for data visualizations
- Use plotly for interactive visualizations
Python – Machine Learning & Data Science – III
- Python – Machine Learning with SciKit Learn, including
- Linear Regression
Project Building With AI
Building Real World Applications with AI
- AI Dictionary with Python
- Making a Web Map of Volcanoes and Population with AI and Python
- Data Analysis and Visualization with Pandas and Matplotlib
International student Fee : 300 $ | 1,125 SAR | 1,125 AED
- No prior programming knowledge is required
- Only you need is the will to learn
Who this course is for:
- Who are interested in learning python programming
- Who wants to start their career in software industry
- Who want to become a Programmer
Python Virtual Environments Download
Flexible Class Options
- Corporate Group Training | Fast-Track
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training