PHP Online Training With MYSQL Web Development Course
PHP being the most demanded back-end language created a great demand for PHP specialists. HTML and JavaScript are also good back end languages but with changing time the demand of innovative and more practical languages have increased hence PHP online training has come to fulfill all those requirements. Web development with PHP and MySQL is an ideal online course to understand websites development, server side programming for cloud and business application development.
This PHP Training is an ideal course to learn business applications development, websites development, Server Side programming for CLOUD Applications using PHP and MySQL database.
PHP Introduction
People who work in web development must have two sorts of technical skills. They must first understand how to modify material in a browser. HTML5 and JavaScript have a role in this. They must, however, be able to communicate with backend systems such as eCommerce, databases, and content management systems.
Course Summary
- Create systems by which data can be stored and retrieved in a MySQL database
- Interact with eCommerce systems facilitating sales, credit card processing and shipping all over the world
- Create complex content and customer management systems customized for industry use.
- Create plugins and customizations for the most the most popular content management systems in the world– WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla (all of which are written in PHP!)
Course Content
Module-1 : Introduction to PHP and MySQL
- Set up a PHP Web Server
- Integrate PHP with HTML code
- Call PHP Pages from HTML
- Setup MySQL database
- Connecting PHP Application with MySQL
- Learning MySQL Database Management for PHP Application
Module-2 : PHP programming
- Use the echo() and print() functions
- Integrate HTML with echo() and print() functions
- Declare and use constants
- Declare and initialize PHP variables
- Understand the type of values held in PHP variables
- Use arithmetic operators to perform math functions
- Use comparison operators to make logical comparisons
- Understand basic if statement
- Create complex if statements which facilitate multiple outcomes
- Use the PHP switch statement
- Work with while loops.
- Identify when a do…while loop is appropriate and use it
- Code a for loop
- Create simple arrays
- Use a for…each statement to loop through an array
- Create associative arrays
- Understand and use multidimensional arrays
- Identify and use the superglobal arrays included in PHP
- Use string functions to manipulate strings
Module-3 : PHP programming (advanced)
- Convert strings to arrays and vice-versa
- Use hashes and encryption to enhance application security
- Write simple functions
- Write functions that take arguments and return a value
- Read and write text files to the server
- Read, write and parse CSV files
- Set, read and delete cookies
- Create sessions
- Pass session variables between PHP pages
- Expire sessions as required
- Send plain text and HTML emails using PHP
- Use a database to create a complete CRUD app
- Store data in the MySQL database
- Retrieve data from the MySQL database
- Modify and delete MySQL database data
Module-4 : Project
- Create your web portal using PHP, MySQL and Bootstrap
International Student Fee : 200$
Flexible Class Options
- Corporate Group Training | Fast-Track
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training