Android Application Development With Kotlin
Android development with Kotlin course is designed to give the concepts and experience of how to build Android apps. Kotlin features are used for writing app code in a relatively concise manner. This course is taught from scratch hence does not need any previous knowledge of programming. Kotlin is easy to learn like other Java-compatible languages. This course allows making real applications from scratch focusing on User Interface aspects as well.
Course Outline
Introduction to programming (Kotlin)
- Variable, constants, arrays. If-else , when Conditions. Loops For , while , Do while Lab
Introduction to programming (Kotlin)
- Classes Inheritance Abstraction, Encapsulation Polymorphism Lab.
Basics of Android (Introduction to Android Studio)
- Installing Android Studio (Sdk)
- Setting up emulator.
- Going through With Android Studio (Explanation of IDE).
- Packages, API Levels.
Creating Hello World App In Android
- Creating First App.
- Resources folders.
- Gradle (app level, project level).
- Manifest File.e. Intro To Layoutsf.
Lab. 5.Main Building Blocks (Part 1)
- Activities
- Activity lifecycle
- Intents
- Moving Between Activities
- Transfer Data Between Activities
- Lab.
- What are Fragments.
- Fragment lifecycle
- Attaching with activities
- Passing data between fragments and activities
- Lab.
Main Building Blocks (Part 2)
- Services
- Broadcast Receivers
- Lab.
Basic Android User Interface
- Intro To Xml
- Views and layouts
- Common UI components
- Handling user events
- Lab
Advanced Android User Interface
- Recycler view Android
- Lab
Multimedia in Android
- Capture pictures From Camera.
- Get Pictures from Gallery
- Lab
Saving user information
- Shared Preferences
- Introducing SQLite
- Room Database
- CRUD Using Room Database
Mapping and Location Based Services
- Using Location Based Services
- Finding Your Location
- Using the Geocodeder
- Lab
- Json (What is Json)
- Json Array,s and Json Objects.
- First Look in json
- Parsing of Json
Using The Best Network Request API (Part 1)
- Volley (Best Network Request API)
- Getting Data from Live Server.
- Decoding Data from JSON
Using The Best Network Request API (Part 2)
- Studying Advance Custom Listviews.
- Using Json to show Data into Recyclerview (Text and pictures).
- Lab
Final App Development and Testing and Deployment to Play Store
International Student Fee: 300 USD | 980 AED | 980 SAR
- Experience in Java programming
- Basic experience or familiarity with Android development
Flexible Class Options
- Corporate Group Training | Fast-Track
- Week End Classes For Professionals SAT | SUN
- Online Classes – Live Virtual Class (L.V.C), Online Training
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