A Business Education Academy


Build Your Employee Training Plan Today to Make Your Life Easier! “Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn” — Alvin Toffler

The Key To Corporate Success Is Developing Your Employees

Firms with thorough training programmes earn 218 % more per employee than companies without institutionalised training, according to the Association for Talent Development (ATD). This isn’t the end of it, though. These businesses also have a 24 percent larger profit margin than those that do not invest in training. Even during economic downturns, it appears that investing in training and development is the wise move.

Employee Retention is Enhanced by Training

According to LinkedIn’s 2018 Workforce Learning Report, 93 percent of employees would stay at a firm longer if the company invested in their development. Development is no longer a luxuries or a privilege held for a select few. Today’s talent expects it. It shows that the company cares about its employees and is invested in their long-term development.

On-the-job learning that is more effective

The abilities required to stay relevant in today’s workplace evolve on a regular basis, necessitating periodic staff (re)training. Training increases learner retention rates by up to 60% and has the potential to boost productivity, with roughly $30 created for every $1 spent on training.

 Flexible Training Methodologies

Our flexible blended training options (Class-Room, LIVE/Online Classes, FREE YouTube Recorded Video Courses Access) allow employees to learn at their own pace and through their preferred method of learning, so your company won’t have to worry about training days, which can disrupt productivity and service delivery.

Monitoring and reporting on progress

Employers may use our reports and dashboards to keep track of the courses their workers are taking and to monitor their progress and successes, which helps with reporting and allows management to see how training affects the bottom line.


In a word, EDUCAD ACADEMY is a one-stop-training-shop that offers an innovative method of providing courses that are adapted to the specific needs of each company. Sign up for the EDUCAD ACADEMY and streamline your training process so that your staff can focus on what they do best while staying up to speed on the information they need to know.